Usage guidelines

All images provided here are free to download for editorial and academic use only. All commercial use requires a formal license from Satmission. The images may not be altered, sold or redistributed. All images are the property of Satmission unless otherwise stated.

As a general rule, third parties may only use the Satmission logo under these limited circumstances:

  • In advertising, marketing collateral, or a website that references your connection with Satmission (e.g., the material states that you are an authorized distributor or reseller of Satmission products) provided that the area in which the Satmission logo is used includes the corporate logo of at least 1 other company with which you have a similar relationship.
  • In an area of a website, advertising, or marketing collateral exclusively dedicated to the sale of Satmission products, and in such a manner that associates licensed Satmission products with the Satmission logo.

Do not use the Satmission corporate logo in products, product packaging or other business services for which a formal license is required.

Satmission reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display the logo, and may request that third parties modify or delete any use of the logo that, in Satmission’s sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines or might otherwise impair Satmission’s rights in the logo. Satmission further reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks or other violations of applicable law.



Satmission and Live Now™ logos


Live Now™ IP Vehicle Kit


Satcom Systems manufacturing

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